Abstract Expressionism Fine Art

Feel Good Inside!

Heather Rachel's abstract expressive paintings capture through colour, the joyous feelings brought about by big skies, natural landscapes and wild flowers. Each original painting is totally unique, bringing the wellbeing and happiness of being outdoors into our homes. Feel Good Inside!

Hey, I'm Heather!

My Story

Capturing Our Sensory World

Noticing and feeling textures and colours around me...a flash of sunlight through rain clouds, the lines of crops in a field, the sensual smell of honeysuckle and dog roses through the hedgerows..all combine to give me the essence of my paintings. Bringing the outside in! 

“It brings me total joy every single time I look at it.”

Collector, Suffolk

“ I am delighted to be buying your lovely painting.  It is bright and cheerful and I know just where it is going.”

Collector, Suffolk